We’ve all heard that popcorn is healthy for you and contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, but since it also contains high amounts of fiber, does this mean it can give you stomach problems, including gas?
Does Popcorn make you Fart?
The simple answer to that question is yes, it can. Popcorn is high in fiber which can cause gas that has to be expelled! As well as the fiber, when you eat popcorn, you tend to swallow air which can also lead to farting.
Let’s take a closer look at both the good and the bad things that popcorn can do to your stomach.
Key Points at a Glance
What Is In Popcorn?
Popcorn is a whole grain that is chock full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and iron. It is also low in fat and calories, with one cup of air-popped popcorn containing only around 30 calories.
For more information on air poppers check our article.
Popcorn has been known to keep you “regular,” but it’s also possible for it to give you gastric distress. If you’ve ever asked yourself, does popcorn make you fart, the answer is yes. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to let you to eat popcorn without suffering from any tummy problems.
Types of Digestive Problems and What to Do About Them
Popcorn has about one gram of fiber per cup, so it’s easy to see how eating popcorn can add a lot of dietary fiber to your diet, which nearly everyone needs to do.
Dietary fiber can also be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, the fiber in popcorn promotes digestive activity, which can help keep you regular.
On the other hand, if you have specific ailments, it can make stomach pain and diarrhea worse. Some of these conditions include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colitis, diverticulitis, and Crohn’s disease, among others.

If you have any condition that directly affects your digestive tract, you might want to eat popcorn only in moderate amounts. Another tip to remember is that if you decide to suddenly start eating popcorn because you’re looking for ways to add fiber to your diet, you should start out slowly and build up from there.
TIP – Too much fiber in a short period of time, especially when this is not something you’re used to, will only make stomach problems worse.
Does Popcorn Give You Gas?
Yes! Popcorn sometimes does give you gas. Popcorn is made of a starchy grain called corn, which can be challenging to digest for some people. This can cause uncomfortable symptoms like gas and bloat.
Does Microwave Popcorn Cause Gas?
Yes! Microwave popcorn is still popcorn, even the healthiest microwave popcorn so it can cause gas and make you fart.
How Does Popcorn Cause Gas, bloating, farting and burping?
When you eat popcorn, it’s easy to swallow small amounts of air, and in fact this isn’t that uncommon. More often than not, that air goes into your stomach, which causes you to burp and let the gas out that way.
Sometimes, however, some of that air goes into the intestines, where it causes gas, indigestion, stomach pain, and discomfort. When this happens, the air comes out the other end, causing you to fart. This can happen, especially if you eat popcorn too fast.
Other features of popcorn can also cause gassiness and bloating, and these include:
TIP – Even if you don’t have stomach issues, just be aware that these can affect how your stomach copes with popcorn.

If you have no digestive issues but simply want to use popcorn as a way to increase your daily fiber intake, just eat a little every day and build up from there.
If you already have digestive issues or conditions, it’s best to eat just small amounts of popcorn and add other types of fiber to your diet, such as whole-grain bread, brown rice, and oatmeal. Regardless of your situation, if you do suffer from any tummy problems or gas, it’s wise to go ahead and cut down on the amount of fiber you’re consuming every day.
What to Do About Gas and Bloating from Eating Popcorn
For most people, the gassiness caused by eating popcorn won’t be that bad. Eating in moderation and listening to your ‘full’ signals will help a lot in keeping gas to a minimum.
An excellent over-the-counter antacid will usually take care of the problem. But if the condition continues to get worse, you should definitely see a doctor because there could be something else going on that you don’t know about.
If you know you have one of the conditions mentioned earlier, it might be wise not to eat popcorn every single day, and if you do have severe pain from it, you should see your doctor.
FAQs Does Popcorn Make You Fart
Is it true that popcorn can make you fart?
Yes, it is possible for popcorn to cause gas and make you fart. Popcorn contains a type of dietary fiber called cellulose, which is not easily digested by the human body. As a result, when the bacteria in your gut break down this fiber, it can produce gas as a byproduct, leading to flatulence.
Are there specific types of popcorn that are more likely to cause flatulence?
Generally, all types of popcorn have the potential to cause gas and make you fart. However, some flavored or seasoned popcorn varieties may exacerbate the issue due to the addition of certain ingredients, such as artificial flavorings or spices, which can be harder for your digestive system to process.
Does the way popcorn is prepared affect its potential to cause gas?
Yes, the preparation method can influence the likelihood of experiencing flatulence. Popcorn cooked with added oils or fats can make digestion more difficult, potentially leading to increased gas production. Additionally, consuming large quantities of popcorn in a short period can overload your digestive system, increasing the chances of farting.
Can everyone expect to fart after eating popcorn?
Not everyone will experience excessive gas or farting after eating popcorn. Each person’s digestive system is unique, and while some individuals may be more sensitive to the fiber content in popcorn, others may not experience any noticeable effects on their digestion.
Are there any ways to reduce gas production from eating popcorn?
Yes, there are a few strategies you can try to minimize gas production after eating popcorn. Firstly, you can try chewing popcorn thoroughly to aid digestion. Drinking enough water throughout the day can also help regulate digestion. Additionally, you may want to consider eating popcorn in moderation and avoiding excessive snacking on large quantities.
Can popcorn be a healthy snack despite its potential to cause flatulence?
Yes, popcorn can be a relatively healthy snak option. It is a whole grain that contains fiber, which can support digestive health. Popcorn is also low in calories compared to many other snack foods when prepared without excessive oils, fats, or sugary coatings. However, if you’re particularly sensitive to the effects of popcorn on your digestion, you may need to consider alternative snacks.
Final thoughts 💭
Most tummy problems due to the fiber content in popcorn are not that serious and can be eliminated by making a few simple changes.
Remember that popcorn is a very nutritious food overall, so even eating it in small amounts is good for you, as long as you don’t mind the occasional popcorn farts!
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