If you are suffering from acid reflux, you might know that some foods are fine to eat, while others can make your acid reflux quite uncomfortable.
Acid reflux causes heartburn and indigestion due to the lower esophageal sphincter malfunctioning. When this valve isn’t working right, the contents of your stomach can move back into the esophagus. You can keep it under control by eating certain foods and avoiding others.
Is Popcorn Bad for Acid Reflux
You are probably desperate for a clear answer on does popcorn cause acid reflux, as when afflicted, it can be extremely painful and disruptive to your everyday life.
You can eat popcorn with gerd or acid reflux because it is a whole grain and full of fiber. As long as you keep it plain and avoid adding toppings that can cause irritation, popcorn shouldn’t cause symptoms of acid reflux.
When eating popcorn and acid reflux is an issue, you should always chew it thoroughly and carefully to avoid a popcorn kernel getting stuck in your throat.
Is Popcorn Alkaline?
Is popcorn acidic or alkaline? When you suffer from acid reflux, you need to be aware of which foods are acidic and which are alkaline.
Popcorn is considered to be pH-neutral, rather than acidic or alkaline. The pH level of regular corn, which is the main ingredient of popcorn, is around 7, making it neutral on the pH scale.
As long as you eat it plain, it won’t make your symptoms of acid reflux worse.
The scale for pH ranges from 0 to 14, with 6 to 7 being neutral. Anything below that is considered acidic, while values above are alkaline.
Keep in mind that toppings might increase acidity. It is important to understand which toppings are safe and you can learn which types of popcorn are best when you have acid reflux.
Toppings for Popcorn And Gerd or Acid Reflux

Understanding the acidity of different toppings can help you choose those that are best for you. First, most people enjoy some salt. Salt has a pH of 7, so it is in neutral territory. You can eat salt on your popcorn.
Another favorite topping is butter. Butter is still neutral, with a range of 6.1 to 6.4. It won’t worsen your symptoms, so you can eat it on your popcorn.
Some people enjoy drizzling caramel on popcorn, but it has a pH between 2.0 and 5.0, so it is too acidic for you if you have acid reflux. Unfortunately, if you eat caramel popcorn, it could worsen your symptoms.
Chocolate has a pH range of 6.1 to 6.5, and milk chocolate is slightly more acidic than dark chocolate or white chocolate. You can eat chocolate, but it is slightly acidic and can irritate you.
Many people enjoy cheese on their popcorn. Different cheeses have different pH levels. Blue cheese has a pH between 6.2 and 6.5, so it is slightly acidic but you can eat a little bit.
Other popular cheeses include feta cheese, cream cheese, and cheddar cheese, which range from 4.1 to 5.6 in pH, so they are too acidic for you if you have acid reflux. If you want to add cheese to your popcorn, just make sure you check the pH level before you make your decision.
Popcorn Toppings to Avoid if You Have Acid Reflux
Safe Popcorn Toppings if You Get Acid Reflux
Here is a list of popcorn toppings that are generally considered safe for individuals with acid reflux:
Different Types of Popcorn and Acidity
For problems with heartburn, prepackaged microwave popcorn should be avoided as it has additives, including extra salt and artificial ingredients. It also often contains perfluorooctanoic acid, which is bad for you.
Corn itself is only slightly acidic, and after corn is boiled, it is more acidic. However, if you make popcorn at home and don’t add toppings, its PH is neutral.
One of the best ways to prepare popcorn when you have acid reflux (or heartburn) is with an air popper. Air poppers don’t use any oil and make simple, delicious, popped popcorn.
Benefits of Eating Popcorn with Acid Reflux
Popcorn is a whole grain food and is one of the foods that can help you have some relief from heartburn. Because of its neutral acidity level, the grain helps to absorb extra acidity. Whole-grain foods help to reduce inflammation and decrease the risk of getting heart disease.
Another benefit of eating popcorn is that it has a good helping of fiber, which also helps absorb stomach acid. Popcorn is also high in antioxidants, which have many health benefits.
When you eat popcorn, you may experience improvement in digestion, better blood circulation, and a reduced risk of other diseases. There are benefits to eating popcorn, but it is important to eat it plain. Obviously, the higher fat and sugar content of toppings on popcorn can dramatically change the macronutrients.
Does Popcorn Cause Heartburn?
Plain popcorn is unlikely to cause heartburn, but the more toppings and fats you introduce to your popcorn, the more likely it is to cause heartburn. Heartburn and acid reflux are one in the same thing.
Is Buttered Popcorn Bad for Acid Reflux?

Yes, buttered popcorn can be bad for acid reflux due to the higher fat content.
How You Should Prepare Popcorn If You Have Acid Reflux
The best way for you to make your popcorn is with an air popper. This machine uses nothing besides hot air and popcorn kernels, and it is the healthiest way to prepare popcorn.

You can also prepare popcorn on a stovetop. If you choose this method, you should use three tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil rather than butter. You can add a sprinkle of salt, but avoid butter.
One of the triggers for acid reflux is high-fat foods, which is why it is important to pop popcorn in a natural way. Adding a very small amount of oil to the stovetop is okay, but this is why the air popper is the best option.
FAQs on Popcorn and Acid Reflux
Is it true that popcorn can cause acid reflux?
Popcorn itself is generally considered a low-acid food and is unlikely to cause acid reflux. However, the way it is prepared and the toppings added can potentially trigger symptoms in individuals with acid reflux.
Can plain, unbuttered popcorn worsen acid reflux?
Plain, unbuttered popcorn is typically considered a safe choice for individuals with acid reflux. In fact, the high fiber content in popcorn may even help absorb stomach acid and alleviate discomfort.
Which popcorn toppings should be avoided by people with acid reflux?
Some toppings that may not be suitable for individuals with acid reflux include butter, caramel, Parmesan cheese, cheddar cheese, milk duds, and hot sauce. These toppings can increase the acidity of popcorn and potentially trigger symptoms.
Are there any popcorn toppings that are safe for individuals with acid reflux?
Yes, there are several toppings that are generally considered safe for individuals with acid reflux. These include plain salt (in moderation), non-acidic spices like cinnamon or turmeric, and non-citrus flavors like herbs or garlic powder.
Can the way popcorn is cooked affect its impact on acid reflux?
Yes, the cooking method can influence the impact of popcorn on acid reflux. Air-popped or stove-popped popcorn without added oils or butter is generally considered better for those with acid reflux compared to microwave popcorn, which often contains artificial additives and unhealthy oils.
Can portion size affect acid reflux symptoms?
Yes, consuming large portions of any food, including popcorn, can increase the likelihood of acid reflux symptoms. It’s advisable to practice portion control and eat smaller, more frequent meals to help manage acid reflux.
Are there any alternatives to popcorn for individuals with acid reflux?
If popcorn triggers your acid reflux symptoms, you may consider alternatives like rice cakes, pretzels, or baked whole-grain chips. However, it’s best to experiment and identify what works best for your individual condition.
Can eating popcorn too quickly or not chewing it properly contribute to acid reflux?
Eating popcorn too quickly or not chewing it thoroughly can contribute to swallowing air, which may lead to bloating and increased pressure on the stomach. This can potentially trigger acid reflux symptoms in some individuals.
Is there a specific time of day that is better for consuming popcorn to avoid acid reflux?
There is no specific time of day that universally applies to everyone. However, consuming popcorn earlier in the day or during a period when you are more upright can help reduce the likelihood of acid reflux. Avoiding eating close to bedtime may also be beneficial.
Can eating popcorn late at night increase the likelihood of acid reflux symptoms?
Eating a large or heavy meal, including popcorn, close to bedtime can increase the risk of acid reflux symptoms. It is recommended to allow at least two to three hours for digestion before lying down to minimize the chances of reflux.
Can eating large amounts of popcorn at once worsen acid reflux?
Consuming large amounts of any food, including popcorn, can increase the likelihood of acid reflux symptoms. It is advisable to practice portion control and eat smaller, more frequent meals to help manage acid reflux.
Are there any specific conditions or medical factors that can make popcorn more likely to trigger acid reflux symptoms?
Certain medical conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or a hiatal hernia can make individuals more susceptible to acid reflux symptoms. It is recommended to follow the advice of a healthcare professional regarding specific dietary modifications.
Can certain types of popcorn, such as flavored or heavily seasoned varieties, increase the risk of acid reflux?
Flavored or heavily seasoned varieties of popcorn, especially those with added spices, acidic flavorings, or excessive salt, may increase the risk of acid reflux symptoms. It is best to choose plain or lightly seasoned options to minimize potential triggers.
Are there any natural remedies or lifestyle changes that can help prevent acid reflux symptoms when consuming popcorn?
Some natural remedies or lifestyle changes that may help prevent acid reflux symptoms when consuming popcorn include eating smaller portions, chewing thoroughly, maintaining good posture while eating, avoiding lying down immediately after eating, and managing stress levels.
Can drinking certain beverages while eating popcorn affect the likelihood of acid reflux?
Certain beverages like carbonated drinks, citrus juices, and alcohol can increase the risk of acid reflux symptoms when consumed alongside popcorn. It is advisable to choose non-acidic or non-carbonated beverages to accompany your snack.
Are there any specific tips for individuals with acid reflux to enjoy popcorn without experiencing symptoms?
Some tips to enjoy popcorn without experiencing acid reflux symptoms include choosing plain or lightly seasoned varieties, avoiding butter or heavy toppings, eating slowly and chewing thoroughly, and being mindful of portion sizes. It is also important to listen to your body and avoid any toppings or seasonings that personally trigger your symptoms.
Final thoughts 💭
When you have acid reflux, you need to pay attention to the acidity of what you eat. Popcorn is a favorite snack, and it falls in the neutral pH range.
As long as you stay away from toppings, you can eat popcorn. With regards to popcorn acid reflux, it won’t necessarily help but, perhaps more importantly, it won’t hurt it either.