Yes! You can freeze popcorn when it has popped. When you place popcorn in the freezer, it doesn’t freeze, but it will stay fresh longer. Continue reading to learn all about freezing popcorn.
Do’s and Don’t when storing Popcorn
- Store in airtight containers: Transfer the popcorn into airtight containers or resealable freezer bags to prevent moisture and freezer burn.
- Label and date: Clearly label the containers or bags with the date of freezing to ensure you know how long they have been stored.
- Freeze individual servings: Divide the popcorn into individual serving sizes before freezing.
- Remove excess air: Squeeze out as much air as possible from the freezer bags before sealing them to minimize the risk of freezer burn.
- Freeze immediately: Place the popcorn in the freezer as soon as it has completely cooled down to maintain its freshness.
- Freeze buttered or seasoned popcorn: Avoid freezing popcorn that has been buttered or seasoned, as it can become soggy and lose its flavor and texture.
- Freeze unpopped popcorn kernels: They may not pop when you cook them as freezing affects the moisture content
- Thaw and refreeze: Avoid thawing frozen popcorn and then refreezing it, as this can affect its quality and taste.
- Freeze in large batches: Freezing a large batch of popcorn in a single container can make it difficult to thaw and use smaller portions later.
- Freeze stale popcorn: It’s best to freeze popcorn when it is fresh. Freezing stale popcorn will not improve its taste or texture.
What Happens When You Freeze Cooked Popcorn?
When you place popped popcorn in the freezer, it can stay fresh for up to three months. It is unique in that when you place it in the freezer, it doesn’t actually become frozen. The freshness of popcorn depends on how much moisture is in the air around the popcorn.
When you leave popcorn on the counter, it will take in moisture from the air. This is what makes the popcorn chewy and stale. You can place your popcorn in a sealed container and put it in the freezer.
It will stay fresh for months. In addition, the sealed container blocks the outside air in the freezer and keeps it out.
If you plan to put your popcorn in the freezer, you should make sure that it cools and then place it in the container and seal it. Once it is, you can place it in the freezer, and it will stay fresh.

What Happens If You Put Uncooked Popcorn in the Freezer?
Should you freeze popcorn kernels?
You shouldn’t store unpopped (uncooked) popcorn kernels in the freezer.
Although you can put cooked popcorn in the freezer, you shouldn’t put uncooked popcorn kernels in the freezer. The problem is that uncooked kernels pop because they have a hard shell surrounding a moist center. When you heat the kernel, the moisture inside expands and breaks the hull open, causing the pop.
When you freeze uncooked popcorn, the moist center dries out. If it does pop, it might not taste as good, and there is a good chance that it won’t pop because the moisture won’t be there to expand. You should always store uncooked popcorn kernels at room temperature, but you can put them in the freezer once you have cooked it.
How Long Does Popcorn Last?
How long your popcorn lasts will depend on a few different things. If you buy pre-cooked popcorn, it will depend on how they make it. Companies that make the popcorn in smaller batches have products with a longer shelf life, while those that pop their popcorn in big batches might only stay fresh a day or two once you open the package.
When you buy uncooked kernels of popcorn, you can get the longest life out of them by choosing dry, plain kernels. Then you can add oils or butter later when you cook it. These kernels can last up to a year.
Can you Freeze Microwave Popcorn?
Microwave popcorn is uncooked therefore it is not recommended to freeze it.
If you buy microwave popcorn, it doesn’t last as long as kernels because it has oil and additives. You can microwave kernels by placing them in a brown paper bag with some olive oil, so these kernels are a better option no matter how you want to cook the popcorn.
If you cook popcorn, you can extend its life by placing it in the freezer once it reaches room temperature. Place it in a sealed container before you place it in the freezer.
Next, learn Can Popcorn Expire?
How to Store Popcorn for Freshness
When you have uncooked popcorn, keep it on a dark, cool shelf in a sealed container. Make sure that you never keep your popcorn in direct sunlight, and keep it at room temperature. Don’t freeze unpopped popcorn.
If you have cooked popcorn, you have a couple of options. First of all, you should keep it in an airtight container. This helps the popcorn hold onto its natural moisture so it doesn’t become dried and stale.
You can place it in the cupboard away from the sunlight, or you can place it in the freezer. Make sure that it reaches room temperature before you put it in the freezer. You can create a tighter seal by using plastic wrap over the top of the container before you put the lid back on.
If you have toppings such as caramel or peanut butter on your popcorn, it will freeze. You should consider this before you place it in the freezer.
Read about how to reheat popcorn.
Final thoughts 💭
Freezing popcorn can be a convenient way to preserve its freshness for future snacking. To freeze popcorn effectively, it is important to store it in airtight containers or freezer bags to prevent moisture and freezer burn.
Divide the popcorn into individual servings before freezing, labeling them with the date to keep track of storage time. Avoid freezing buttered or seasoned popcorn, as it can become soggy.
Freeze fresh popcorn immediately after it has cooled down.
By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a delicious batch of frozen popcorn whenever you want, maintaining its flavor and texture for an extended period.
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