Sharing snacks with our pets can be a fun way to bond, but can snakes eat popcorn? Most reptiles can’t eat popcorn. It’s good to check ahead so you don’t cause any issues for your pet.
Can Snakes Eat Popcorn?
Snakes cannot eat popcorn. Their digestive systems are specifically wired to be a carnivore, with whole protein sources needed. Popcorn would cause digestive upset, plus it’s not nutritionally sound enough for a snake to eat.
Snakes should stick to small animals that provide their bodies with proper nutrients, such as small rodents (primarily mice). Since snakes swallow whole food, rodents provide all the nutrition they need to remain healthy and grow properly. Snakes aren’t alone. Other reptiles, such as turtles, cannot eat popcorn either.
Can Snakes Eat Corn?
No, snakes cannot eat corn. They can’t eat any vegetables, grains, or fruit that a human can. They are singularly carnivores, and other foods can do more harm than good. Their only diet source should be whole, unprocessed, uncooked proteins such as rodents.
What Human Food Can Snakes Eat?
Snakes don’t need snacks like humans to remain satisfied with their diet. They can go their entire lives eating only rodents (such as mice) and feel content. There are some human foods they can eat if you’re intent on some variety on occasion.
There are a few human foods snakes can eat, although you’ll always want to ensure you feed a snake the whole, uncooked versions of these foods. Also, do your research and ensure the type of snake you have eats these foods in the wild; otherwise, don’t feed it to them.
Even though rodents are the best food for them, snakes can eat fish. Some snake species eat fish in the wild, too. If you do feed fish to your pet snake, be sure to do it sparingly. Also, ensure to feed it in its whole form, not butchered in any way.
It’s good to know that if your snake is used to a rodent-only diet, other foods, even whole protein sources like fish, can cause stomach upset, so don’t be surprised if you notice different poop patterns or other behaviors related to digestion.
Here are some snakes that eat fish in the wild:
- Garter Snakes
- Water Snakes
- Grass Snakes
- Ball Pythons
- Corn Snakes
While this gives you an idea of what snakes might eat fish, it isn’t an exhaustive list. Before feeding your snake, research its specific breed to ensure it can handle eating something besides rodents.
Snakes can eat eggs, although most won’t because they don’t recognize them as prey. If you decide to feed your snake eggs, don’t cook them. Only feed snakes the whole, uncooked version of anything, even eggs.
What type of eggs can snakes eat?
It depends on the type of snake and its size. Smaller snakes do fine with smaller eggs, such as quail eggs, while larger snakes can handle chicken or duck eggs.
No matter what, make sure your snake naturally eats eggs before feeding them. Here are some snakes that eat eggs:
- Black Racers
- Coachwhips
- Corn Snakes (common pets)
- Egg-Eating Snakes
- Fox Snakes
- Garter Snakes
- Milk Snakes
- Pine Snakes
- Rat Snakes
- Scarlet Kingsnakes
- Speckled Kingsnakes
Besides these snakes, most others occasionally eat a tiny quail egg as a snack. Even if your snake enjoys this, it should only be given as an occasional treat. Eggs are nutritious but don’t have as much raw nutrition as whole rodents.
Other Foods for Snakes to Eat

Besides a couple of human foods, what other foods can snakes eat besides rodents? Keep in mind that snakes don’t need other foods besides rodents. They don’t need it nutritionally or to prevent diet boredom. If you want to feed other foods to your snake, the only benefit would be yours.
That said, here are some foods that snakes can eat without harming them:
- Worms
- Amphibians
- Insects
- Chicks
- Rabbits
- Lizards
Remember, these should only be given as a rare snack, not as a staple in a snake’s diet. And ensure your snake’s breed is naturally open to eating these foods with some research if it’s not listed above.
So, snakes cannot eat popcorn. As it turns out, they can’t eat anything we might share with them unless you’re a fan of raw, unprocessed, uncooked meat and whole animals.
Although that might be a bit of a bummer, you can still snack together with your separate snack choices. Selecting a quail egg snack for your snake while you chow on your buttery popcorn is a great way to bond and eat together without causing any harm to your pet.
Check our article on lizards and popcorn next!
Can corn snakes eat fish?
While corn snakes are primarily carnivores and do consume a wide variety of prey items, including rodents, birds, lizards, and amphibians, they are generally not known to eat fish in the wild or in captivity.
In fact, feeding a corn snake fish can potentially be harmful to them as fish can contain high levels of thiaminase, an enzyme that breaks down thiamine (vitamin B1). Thiamine is an essential nutrient for snakes and a deficiency can lead to serious health problems.
Therefore, it is not recommended to feed corn snakes fish as a regular part of their diet. It is important to provide them with a balanced diet that is appropriate for their species and age, which usually includes pre-killed rodents that are appropriately sized for their individual size and age.
What can snakes eat?
Snakes are carnivorous reptiles that consume a wide variety of prey, including:
Rodents: Mice, rats, voles, and other small rodents are a common prey item for many species of snakes.
Birds: Snakes may prey on birds, including eggs and nestlings, depending on the species and the availability of suitable prey.
Lizards: Many species of snakes prey on lizards, including geckos, skinks, and iguanas.
Amphibians: Snakes may consume frogs, toads, salamanders, and other amphibians, depending on the species and the environment.
Insects: Some smaller species of snakes may eat insects, such as crickets and grasshoppers, as part of their diet.
It is important to note that different species of snakes have different dietary requirements and preferences, so it is important to research the specific needs of your snake and provide a varied diet that meets its nutritional needs. Additionally, it is recommended to offer pre-killed prey that is appropriate in size for your snake, as live prey can be dangerous for both the snake and the prey animal.
Can snakes eat fruit?
Snakes are carnivores and their natural diet consists mainly of meat. Therefore, they do not require fruit in their diet and are not known to eat fruit in the wild.
What do corn snakes eat besides mice?
Corn snakes are opportunistic feeders and can eat a variety of prey besides mice, depending on their size and availability. Some other common prey items that corn snakes may consume in the wild or in captivity include:
Rats: Corn snakes can eat rats as they are similar in size to mice and provide a good source of nutrition.
Birds: Depending on the species of bird and the size of the snake, corn snakes may prey on birds, including eggs and nestlings.
Lizards: Corn snakes may consume various species of lizards, including skinks, geckos, and anoles.
Amphibians: Corn snakes may also eat frogs, toads, and salamanders, depending on the availability of prey in their environment.
It is important to offer your corn snake a varied diet that is appropriate for its size and age. Pre-killed prey that is appropriately sized for your snake is recommended, as live prey can be dangerous for both the snake and the prey animal. If you have concerns about your snake’s diet or feeding schedule, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian or a reptile expert.