Yes! Popcorn can go bad if it is not stored properly.
If your popcorn is stale, it will not taste as good as fresh popcorn. Popcorn can also go bad if it is exposed to moisture or humidity. This article will take you through how to spot bad popcorn and store it correctly to prevent it from going bad.
Key Points at a Glance
How To Store Popcorn?
The best way to store popcorn is in an airtight container. You can also store popcorn in a zip-lock bag. Be sure to remove all the air from the bag before sealing it. Popcorn can be stored at room temperature or in the fridge.

How To Tell If Popcorn Is Bad
There are a few ways to tell if your popcorn is bad. First, check the expiration date on the package. If the popcorn is past this date, it is probably bad.
If popcorn is bad, it will have a musty or sour smell. The kernels will also be hard and not crunchy. If the popcorn is moldy, it will have white or black spots on it.
Does Popcorn Mold?
If popcorn is exposed to moisture, it can become a breeding ground for mold. This is why it’s important to store popcorn in a dry, airtight container to keep it fresh for as long as possible.
Additionally, it’s important to check the expiration date of the popcorn, as stale popcorn can also pose health risks. However, if stored properly and checked for expiration, popcorn is a safe and delicious snack to enjoy.
Do Unpopped Kernels Go Bad??
Unpopped kernels can last up to two years if stored properly. The best way to store them is in an airtight container, like a Kilner jar in a cool, dry place. You can also store them in the freezer.

What Happens if You Eat Expired Unpopped Popcorn?
If you eat expired, unpopped popcorn, it’s unlikely to make you sick. Expired popcorn is going to lose some flavor, however, and the texture when popped, may not be very nice.
Can You Freeze Popcorn?
Yes, you can. Learn more in this article – Can You Freeze Popcorn?
Can Bad Popcorn Make You Sick?
Yes, bad popcorn can make you sick. If you eat moldy popcorn, you could get sick. Popcorn that has gone bad will have a sour or musty smell. The kernels will also be hard and not crunchy.
If the popcorn is moldy, it will have white or black spots on it. Moldy popcorn should not be eaten. You should see a doctor if you eat bad popcorn and get sick.
When Popcorn Goes Bad Does it Contain Any Toxins?
No, when popcorn goes bad, it does not contain any toxins. However, if it has mold, these funguses can create harmful toxic metabolites called aflatoxins (AFs)
What Type of Popcorn Lasts the Longest, Sweet or Savoury?
Savory popcorn lasts longer than sweet popcorn because the sugar in sweet popcorn can attract moisture and cause the popcorn to go bad faster.
Can you Eat Expired Popcorn?
Yes, but it’s not pleasant. Popcorn can go bad if it is not stored properly. The best way to store popcorn is in an airtight container. You can also store popcorn in a zip-lock bag. Be sure to remove all the air from the bag before sealing it. Popcorn can be stored at room temperature or in the fridge.
FAQs Does Popcorn Go Bad
Can popcorn go bad or expire?
Popcorn generally has a long shelf life and does not spoil in the same way as perishable foods. However, it can lose its freshness and quality over time.
How can I tell if popcorn has gone bad?
Check the appearance and smell of the popcorn. If it has a rancid or unpleasant odor, or if there are signs of mold or insects, it is best to discard it.
What factors can affect the shelf life of popcorn?
Factors such as moisture, heat, exposure to air, and storage conditions can impact the shelf life of popcorn. Proper storage is crucial for maintaining its freshness.
What is the typical shelf life of popcorn?
Unpopped popcorn kernels, when stored correctly, can retain their quality for up to two years. However, it is recommended to consume them within a year for the best taste and popping results.
Does popped popcorn have a shelf life?
Popped popcorn is more susceptible to losing its freshness compared to unpopped kernels. It is best to consume popped popcorn within a few days for optimal taste and texture.
How should I store unpopped popcorn kernels to maximize their shelf life?
Store unpopped popcorn kernels in an airtight container or a resealable bag in a cool, dry, and dark place. Keep them away from moisture, heat, and direct sunlight to maintain their quality.
Can I store popcorn in the refrigerator or freezer?
It is generally not necessary to store popcorn in the refrigerator or freezer. The cool temperatures may introduce moisture, affecting the popcorn’s popping quality and texture.
Can I still eat popcorn past its expiration date?
The expiration date on popcorn packages is a guideline for quality, not safety. If stored properly, popcorn can still be safe to eat past its expiration date, but it may not taste as fresh or pop as well.
Are there any health risks associated with consuming expired popcorn?
Consuming properly stored but expired popcorn is unlikely to pose significant health risks. However, it may not provide the best taste and quality.
Can I improve the freshness of older popcorn?
If the popcorn is still within its shelf life but has lost some freshness, you can try revitalizing it by briefly microwaving or heating it in the oven on low heat. This can help restore a bit of crispness and improve the taste.
Final thoughts ðŸ’
Popcorn, both unpopped kernels and popped popcorn, has a relatively long shelf life compared to many perishable foods. When stored correctly in a cool, dry, and dark place, unpopped popcorn kernels can retain their quality for up to two years, although it is recommended to consume them within a year for optimal taste and popping results.
Popped popcorn, on the other hand, is more susceptible to losing its freshness and is best consumed within a few days to maintain its taste and texture. It’s important to store popcorn in airtight containers or resealable bags, away from moisture, heat, and direct sunlight, to maximize its shelf life.
Learn how to get rid of a burnt popcorn smell next.